Details of Food Security Ration Cards Linked With Fair Price Shops for Issuing Ration

Introduction of the Report : You can find out the number of Food Security Ration Cards of various categories linked to various Fair Price Shops.
FPS Licence No. FPS Name Circle

SNo State District Circle FPS Details Nos. of cards linked Total
FPS Name And Address AAY PR-S PR
1 DELHI EAST 61 - GANDHI NAGAR All FPS 1014 2514 16798 20326
2 DELHI EAST 56 - KONDLI All FPS 534 1945 22446 24925
3 DELHI EAST 60 - KRISHNA NAGAR All FPS 544 1694 16242 18480
4 DELHI EAST 58 - LAXMI NAGAR All FPS 119 411 12373 12903
5 DELHI EAST 57 - PATPARGANJ All FPS 495 1677 18280 20452
6 DELHI EAST 62 - SHAHDARA All FPS 890 2223 17917 21030
7 DELHI EAST 55 - TRILOK PURI All FPS 585 1349 22978 24912
8 DELHI EAST 59 - VISHWAS NAGAR All FPS 903 2211 11404 14518
TOTAL 5084 14024 138438 157546