Details of Food Security Ration Cards Linked With Fair Price Shops for Issuing Ration

Introduction of the Report : You can find out the number of Food Security Ration Cards of various categories linked to various Fair Price Shops.
FPS Licence No. FPS Name Circle

SNo State District Circle FPS Details Nos. of cards linked Total
FPS Name And Address AAY PR-S PR
1 DELHI WEST 28 - HARI NAGAR All FPS 1162 1140 10126 12428
2 DELHI WEST 30 - JANAKPURI All FPS 255 738 17171 18164
3 DELHI WEST 26 - MADIPUR All FPS 1560 2926 17264 21750
4 DELHI WEST 12 - MANGOLPURI All FPS 2035 3804 19984 25823
5 DELHI WEST 11 - NANGLOI JAT All FPS 1194 2201 27860 31255
6 DELHI WEST 27 - RAJORI GARDAN All FPS 720 2278 16469 19467
7 DELHI WEST 29 - TILAK NAGAR All FPS 524 1038 11103 12665
8 DELHI WEST 31 - VIKAS PURI All FPS 1072 1202 41819 44093
TOTAL 8522 15327 161796 185645