Details of Food Security Ration Cards Linked With Fair Price Shops for Issuing Ration

Introduction of the Report : You can find out the number of Food Security Ration Cards of various categories linked to various Fair Price Shops.
FPS Licence No. FPS Name Circle

SNo State District Circle FPS Details Nos. of cards linked Total
FPS Name And Address AAY PR-S PR
1 DELHI NORTH EAST 67 - BABARPUR All FPS 331 1552 22119 24002
2 DELHI NORTH EAST 66 - GHONDA All FPS 1358 2173 26553 30084
3 DELHI NORTH EAST 68 - GOKALPUR All FPS 855 2790 35254 38899
4 DELHI NORTH EAST 70 - KARAWAL NAGAR All FPS 1559 3330 38246 43135
5 DELHI NORTH EAST 69 - MUSTAFABAD All FPS 1019 2897 39744 43660
6 DELHI NORTH EAST 64 - ROHTASH NAGAR All FPS 983 5551 22543 29077
7 DELHI NORTH EAST 65 - SEELAMPUR All FPS 1032 4878 26913 32823
8 DELHI NORTH EAST 63 - SEEMAPURI All FPS 1455 4783 23298 29536
TOTAL 8592 27954 234670 271216