List of Households proposed to be included under NFSA 2013 for providing food security

1. In compliance of National Food Security Act 2013, applications have been received from eligible households and verification of these applications is under process. Further 1314 more households have been found eligible to receive food security.Eligibility of remaining households will be decided shortly on completion of verification work.
2. The details of these eligible households is available on web-site of Department (,with the office of Zonal Assistant Commissioner and Food & Supply Office.
3. Any person who has any objection to inclusion of any Person/Household in the list of Eligible Persons/Households may file a written objection in respect of any individual or household with the Food & Supplies officer of the Circle concerned. The last date of filing the objections is 03/02/2016 up to 5PM.
Date: 10/08/2015                                                                                                                                                                Commissioner, Food Supplies and Consumer Affairs

The list as mentioned above can be viewed by selecting the circle.

a.) Select Circle:*
b.) Select FPS:*